Analysis of Changes in the Surface of Anzali Wetland Using Spectral Indices, Random Tree Classification (RTC), and Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) from 1992 to 2022

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Faculty of Human Science, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.



The Anzali Wetland is experiencing land degradation and over-exploitation in various forms. Understanding the nature of these changes is essential for wetland management. This research aimed to utilize Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), Excess Normalized Difference Built-up Index (ENDBI), Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC), and Random Tree Classification (RTC) in evaluating changes in vegetation, water area, and wasteland in the period between 1992 and 2022. According to the obtained results, the NDVI index showed a sharp decrease in vegetation density. While all indicators showed humidity fluctuations in Anzali Wetland. The NDBI-ENDBI index showed a strong increasing trend in the expansion of the built-up area. Based on these changes, it was concluded that urban development has been progressing rapidly over the years in the Anzali wetland basin. Investigations showed that the maximum NDVI values decreased significantly and reached 0.67 in 1992 to 0.59 in 2022. The maximum NDWI values have also reached from 0.34 in 1992 to 0.1 in 2022. In other words, the water resource index has decreased significantly and this shows the condition of Anzali wetland. In contrast, land use methods showed that the water area has decreased from 44.17 km2 for the RTC model in 1992 to 36.6 km2 in 2022.


In this research, the changes in the level of Anzali Wetland in a period of 30 years were investigated through spectral indices, random tree methods, and maximum likelihood.

- So far, the changes in wetlands have been studied using spectral indices, but spectral indices such as ENDBI have not been used to examine land use changes.

- Also, in this area, for the first time, random tree and maximum likelihood have been used to investigate the changes in Anzali wetland area.


Main Subjects

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