Publication Ethics

Ethical Charter of the Magazine

According to its scientific mission, the quarterly "Geographical Studies of Coastal Areas" undertakes to observe the following principles in all stages of receiving, reviewing and publishing the article:

1- The principle of ethics: trying to observe ethics in the face of clients and colleagues.

2- The principle of truth-seeking: striving to seek the truth and fidelity to it and avoid any concealment of the truth.

3- The principle of observance of rights: Commitment to full observance of the rights of researchers, authors and other copyright holders

4- The principle of material and intellectual property: commitment to fully consider the material and intellectual rights of the university and all authors of articles.

5- Principle of national interests: Commitment to observing national interests and considering the advancement and development of the country in publishing research articles.

6- The principle of observing fairness and trustworthiness: commitment to avoid any unscientific bias in publishing articles.

7- Principle of confidentiality: Commitment to protecting the secrets and confidential information of individuals, organizations, institutions and all materials related to research articles.

8- The principle of respect: commitment to respecting the privacy and dignity of individuals by observing criticism and analysis and refraining from any violation of sanctity.

9- Principle of promotion: Commitment to the dissemination of knowledge and dissemination of its results to faculty members and students, except in cases where it is prohibited by law.

10- The principle of innocence: Commitment to innocence from any unprofessional behavior and unscientific flaws.