Identifying and Prioritizing Effective Management Solutions for Banking Facilities in the Development of Makrān Coasts

Document Type : Research article - extracted from the dissertation


1 Master of marine business management, Department of Business management, Faculty of Management and humanities, Chabahar Maritime University, Chabahar, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Maritime Business Management Department, Faculty of Management and Human Sciences, Chabahar Maritime and Marine Sciences University, Chabahar, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Humanities, Chabahar Maritime University, Chabahar, Iran.



Nowadays, maritime coasts are one of the most effective and important tools for the development and growth of transit, transportation, and foreign trade. The Makrān coast in southeastern part of Iran has a very suitable location to achieve the aforementioned goals for the country. To achieve this goal, effective management of financial resources and facilities to carry out various types of projects plays a fundamental role. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to investigate the effective management strategies for banking facilities in the development of the Makrān coast. The research was applied in terms of its objective and descriptive survey in terms of method. To identify solutions, by reviewing theoretical literature and previous studies, as well as conducting preliminary interviews with several financial experts and banking specialists, three categories of strategies were identified: supervisory, participatory, and intra-organizational. To compare the strategies, a questionnaire was designed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and was distributed among 20 banking experts and investors. The strategies were pairwise compared based on three criteria: acceptance, feasibility, and comprehensiveness. The findings showed that, according to the participants, participatory strategies with a weight of 0.610, intra-organizational strategies with a weight of 0.285, and supervisory strategies with a weight of 0.106, respectively, were the most effective banking facility management strategies for the development of the Makrān coast.


-  By conducting this research, one of the ways to reach the hidden treasure of the Oman Sea, which is the development and prosperity of the Makrān coast in different dimensions, was clarified.

- The results would assist planners and policymakers involved in the development of the Makrān coasts in more effectively managing allocated and granted resources for the region's development.


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